Top 10 Iconic Summertime Inventions


It is a general question, what do you think when the word summer comes?

Well just sit back and unreel your school time when you have to make assignments on inventions during summertime.

Ice-cream Cones

Do you know, the first-ever ice-cream cone was made by an Italian immigrant Italo Marchiony in the year 1896. He patented the ice cream cones in 1903. Although the ice cream cones were introduced to the general public in the year 1904.


Hammocks have been utilized by native Americans for many years. Christopher Colombus has even mentioned in his note that “many Indians in canoes came to ship today for bartering their cotton and hammock, in which they sleep.”

Pool Noodles

It is a foam water toy. However, the first-ever foam water toy was a water woggle developed in the 1980s.

Pool noodles look similar to the insulation used for pipes. But, who not have played sword fights with these pool noodles.

Flip Flops

Every store today has a section for flip-flops. Do you know, flip flops date back to the Egyptian era in around 1500 BC, but they gained popularity in the US  and the world during World War two when the returning soldiers brought these flip-flops from Japan. Since then flip-flops have seen a never stopping popularity, and now it is more than a USD 20 billion dollar industry.


This is perhaps the oldest summertime invention. Its existence was found at a 300,000-year-old site in Germany. In present times skewers are seen at fairs and theme parks as it is convenient to walk around eating meat on a stick.


I honestly don’t step out of the house without applying sunscreen. It's like a rule in summer to make sure you are applying sunscreen every single time you are going outside. You can see SPF numbers everywhere. FYI, sunscreen was first invented by Franz Greiter in the year the 1960s, and soon became a standard solution for making all sunscreens. SPF factor is more im[ortant in sunscreens as it is a fraction of the sunburn-producing UV rays that reach our skin. Like SPF 15 means 1/15 of the UV radiation reaches our skin after applying that sunscreen.

Swim Goggles

There are traces of swim goggles in the early 14th century. The Persians used to use tortoise shells to protect their eyes while hunting for pearls in the ocean. Soon in the 1960s swimmers started making goggles for themselves out of plastic cups and this is how by the early 1970s, the goggles evolved into the way we see them now.

Slip N Slide

It is a summertime favourite toy, the invention idea was first conceived in the year 1960 by a toy manufacturer Wham-O.

The slip-n-slide toy was first introduced by Robert Carrier. And soon after the discovery, they hit the store shelves. And now holds 30 million sales.

It can be a great choice to coof off during summertime if you don't have access to swimming pools.

Air Conditioners

Today we cannot imagine our lives without ACs. I mean, yeah it's all fun to spend time outside during summers, but it's even awesome to cool off inside.

Do you know, the idea of invention of air conditioners came through the mind of an American inventor Willis Carter and in the year 1902, the first large-scale electrical air conditioning unit was invented.

Lemonade Stands

Summertime is also seen as a prime time for budding inventors and entrepreneurs to start their businesses. During summers, Lemonade stands pop up on the majority of the streets. But the traces of these lemonade stands can be found back in the Egyptians.

However, in the year 1676, the Paris company Compagnie de Limonadiers were first granted monopoly or selling rights to sell lemonades.


Inventions don’t see time, place or era These are the top 10 iconic summertime inventions and without them, our summer vacations are surely incomplete.

If you also have some invention ideas then you should apply for patents. You should be aware of how to proceed with your invention idea and how to patent and manufacture your idea.

Ownmyinventions can be your go-to solution for all your patent needs.


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